Self-care tips and tricks!

As we settle into spring and shake off the chill of winter, it’s the perfect time to introduce some new mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Making a habit of taking some time to yourself is a wonderful skill to learn, as it is sure to leave you feeling positive and refreshed as you go about your day.
Yoga: one of the best ways to start the day is by taking a moment to practice yoga. Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour, you’ll be feeling the physical and mental benefits all day long. Yoga is great for improving strength, coordination, and flexibility, plus it helps boost your concentration, relieve anxiety, and will leave you feeling positive about the day ahead.
Writing a journal: spending time each day to write down your thoughts, feelings or musings creates a safe, honest space where you can express yourself. Writing in a journal is great for problem solving, understanding your emotions, and reducing feelings of anxiety.
Connect with others: whether it be via phone call, email or a walk, reaching out to someone you love for a chat and a check in will do wonders for your mood. Time spent nurturing your important relationships will leave you feeling great and will of course leave the other person feeling the same!
For more information on self-care practices: